Workshop Materials – Stormwater Resource and Green Stormwater Infrastructure Planning: Opportunities for Multi-Benefit Projects in Santa Clara Valley – 11/29/18

Agenda Call For Nominations Site Design Awards Green Stormwater Infrastructure: Description, Regulatory Background, and Planning Efforts Santa Clara Basin Stormwater Resource Plan SCVURPPP Green Stormwater Infrastructure Handbook Hacienda Avenue Green Street Improvement Project The Capitol Subsurface Infiltration Gallery in San…

Green Infrastructure Design and Implementation Workshop – April 19, 2017

Workshop Agenda Green Infrastructure (GI) Requirements and Design Considerations - Jill Bicknell, EOA, Inc. SCVURPPP Green Infrastructure Handbook - Kristin Kerr, EOA, Inc. Development Process of San Franciso's GI Typical Details - Ken Kortkamp, San Franciso Public Utilities Commission Integrating…