These webpages provides SCVURPPP Co-permittees with a central repository for information related to the new program for managing PCBs during building demolition. They also provide resources for project proponents related to the new PCBs program, including links to the appropriate demolition permit webpage on each Santa Clara County municipality’s website.
Introduction: PCBs have been detected at elevated levels in certain sport fish in San Francisco Bay. To make the fish safer to eat and protect human health, PCBs sources to the Bay need to be identified and controlled. Urban stormwater runoff is considered a significant pathway for PCBs to enter the Bay. The Regional Water Quality Control Board has therefore required that Bay Area municipalities address potential sources to urban runoff, including certain building materials (e.g., caulks/sealants, insulation) that may contain PCBs and enter storm drains during building demolition.
Permit Requirements: The Municipal Regional Permit (MRP) requires Bay Area local agencies to develop a program to keep PCBs from building materials out of storm drains during building demolition. MRP requirements include:
- Developing methods to identify applicable structures and priority materials before demolition.
- Developing protocols to ensure that PCBs are not discharged to the storm drain during demolition of these structures.
- Establishing the necessary authority for the protocol via municipal ordinance or other mechanism.
Affected Structures: The requirements apply to whole building demolition of commercial, multi-family residential, public, institutional, and industrial structures constructed or remodeled between 1950 and 1980 in the MRP area, including Santa Clara County. Single-family homes and wood-frame structures are exempt.